Today, we are proud to announce that Louise Byrne has joined the CoderDojo Coolest Projects team as the first ever full-time employee in the role of General Manager. Louise began her career as a lecturer in the DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama having studied music, arts administration and Orchestral Management in NUI Maynooth, UCD and the American Symphony Orchestra League. She has worked in the arts and entertainment industry for over 10 years on productions including Riverdance, the Broadway production of Boublil & Schöenberg’s The Pirate Queen and the Gate Theatre’s National Tour of Waiting for Godot.
In 2010, she transitioned from the arts world to the digital and technology field when she joined the WorldIrish team – with the aim to build an online community for those who were Irish or had an affinity with Ireland. From there, she joined the Storyful team, as COO, where she was responsible for building the process, structure and operational framework for the company. She was part of the team who oversaw the acquisition of Storyful by News Corp in December 2013 and was a director and executive team member.
“I am very excited to be joining the Coder Dojo movement and am looking forward to working with the Coolest Projects team who have built a platform that support, inspire and showcase a generation of innovators, creators and entrepreneurs aged 7 – 17.”
To date, the CoderDojo Coolest Projects team has been led by a core team of volunteers with support from the CoderDojo Foundation. With Louise joining the wider team we are excited for what the future holds for the CoderDojo Coolest Projects both in Ireland and Internationally.
Stay tuned for exciting updates about the 2017 Awards taking place Saturday 17th June, RDS – Dublin, Ireland!